Couponers United

Monday, September 12, 2011

Match It!!

We have all seen the Wal-Mart commercials where they will match the price Without the ad and it just looks so easy.....Sure!! So I went with NO ads but had looked up online different ads to test this out. Walgreens had there new Huggies slip on diapers for $8.99 and Harris Teeter had there campbell soup for $1 a can. With my vast knowledge and some coupons in hand I headed up to the register I held back those specific items till the end to let them know that they needed to be Price Matched. So I let her (the cashier) .know of the prices and where and she asked if I had the flyers...of course I didn't because HELLO the commercials said you don't need them. So she had to go on a hunt to find the flyers to make sure that my prices were accurate.....hum I don't recall that happening on TV. Anyways after the long search she indeed found that I was correct.DUH. The plus side of this is I got the diapers for $3.99 a pack because I had them match a price and I had $5 in coupons to use for each pack. So they will match BUT it is not as easy as they make it look on the commercials.

So IT'S BACK......Extreme Coupons on TLC. It premiers tonight I can't wait to see what antics these crazy ladies pull out. Big Night...I don't know which is more pathetic the fact that this is what my life has come to or the fact that in a small way I am one of these crazy ladies??

On and end note yesterday was a great Sunday Coupon day. Which totally made up for last week not having any coupons. I am slighly behind on clipping and organizing my coupon pile but I have scanned them and am ready to go save.

Have a Great Week and Happy Saving

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Is this week over YET

Ok so first things first there are NO I repeat NO COUPONS in tomorrows papers. So don't bother getting the paper...I mean if you only get them for the coupons, if you are one of those people that enjoy what is going on in the world then forge ahead!!

So I had a sick little boy...funny i said HAD I mean Have a sick little boy and it has been snot city here all week. So not much couponing got done this week, which I don't think I missed least I would like to think that so I don't feel coupon anxiety!!

On the Up Side last weeks Sunday paper was chalked full of coupon inserts. So that was excited, I have yet to actually organize mine but what I saw at a glance looked promising.

So a little tip if you go on Southern Savers (link at top) you can see a coupon preview for the upcoming week. I like to take a look so I don't waste time or money on yucky or non existing coupons. I know what you are thinking YUCKY COUPONS....well it's true some are ala poo poo, just my opinion.

Hope you have had a good week and have a great week coming up
Happy Saving