To make things worse now people have become greedy coupon hoarders.....let's get up and stalk the Sunday paper delivery boy and take ALL the papers.....MMMMMAAAHHH(that is my evil laugh)!! We have a military paper here that comes out on Thurs and they have coupon inserts in them.....the best is the paper and coupons are FREE!! Do you think you can find these papers now NO because literally people are waiting for the delivery person and taking them all...base is starting to action with the potential of losing base privileges. THE MADNESS MUST STOP!! I love my coupons as much as the next...but I will not lose precious sleep time to run around like a mad woman trying to get all the coupons at the butt crack of dawn.
MOVING ON....So I went to CVS this week to get a few things that were on sell that I had coupons for and that I needed. I bought 9 packs of cottonelle wipes.... I like to have a fresh hiney... I pd $1.75 per pack. I also got some toilet gels for a $1 a box and some 2liter cokes for $.79. It was a successful trip except for when I returned home with all my cottonelle wipes and showed my husband he looked at me with this look and said.....I don't use those that is what toilet paper is for. MEN they just don't get it!!
Total Balance I pd was $22
AHHH Sweet Freshness.....Be nice to your Hiney and it will be nice to you!! |