Couponers United

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Extreme VS Reality

OK I love watching the TLC show Extreme Couponing as much as the next but come on.....who can realistically shop and stock up like that....if you are reading this and you are an extreme couponer than please do not be offended. Every time the episode comes on it is always the persons "biggest haul" to date and they get nothing that a normal human being could live off of. UNLESS we went on a vitamin water, cereal, and Tylenol pm diet. 

To make things worse now people have become greedy coupon hoarders.....let's get up and stalk the Sunday paper delivery boy and take ALL the papers.....MMMMMAAAHHH(that is my evil laugh)!! We have a military paper here that comes out on Thurs and they have coupon inserts in them.....the best is the paper and coupons are FREE!! Do you think you can find these papers now NO because literally people are waiting for the delivery person and taking them all...base is starting to action with the potential of losing base privileges. THE MADNESS MUST STOP!! I love my coupons as much as the next...but I will not lose precious sleep time to run around like a mad woman trying to get all the coupons at the butt crack of dawn.

MOVING ON....So I went to CVS this week to get a few things that were on sell that I had coupons for and that I needed. I bought 9 packs of cottonelle wipes.... I like to have a fresh hiney... I pd $1.75 per pack. I also got some toilet gels for a $1 a box and some 2liter cokes for $.79. It was a successful trip except for when I returned home with all my cottonelle wipes and showed my husband he looked at me with this look and said.....I don't use those that is what toilet paper is for. MEN they just don't get it!!
Total Balance I pd was $22
AHHH Sweet Freshness.....Be nice to your Hiney and
it will be nice to you!!
Total Amount saved was $22

Monday, June 20, 2011

It's Another Week.....What Can we Save ON!!

So Here it is another Monday....yet another weekend has come and gone. I will be honest I am a stay at home mom so most of the time I don't even know what day it is let alone if it is the weekend! we have our Sunday inserts and now we are ready to save. I have yet to sit down and properly study my coupons and my store ads....but I am sure that there is something out there that I can super save on!! 
Has anyone done any super saving yet for the week??

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Coupon Buddies

The buddies have been picked!! 
Have Fun Everybody and Happy Father's Day!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Coupon Swap

Here is the plan, once you sign up I will match you up with a coupon buddy and you two can exchange info, etc. Then let the coupon swapping begin!! Get to know your coupon buddy to see what kind of coupons they use if they have pets they need coupons for or babies etc. After a few weeks we will shuffle and you will get a new coupon buddy. This is a fun way to "meet" new people and get coupons. I have found that you can send approx 50 coupons with one stamp. 
Have FUN!!
To sign up please email me your info Address, Name, and anything else you would like to share!!
please put in Coupon Swap for the title on the email
Thank You

Friday, June 10, 2011

All You Magazine

So I picked up this magazine yesterday at Wal-mart...I had heard of it before but never had I looked at or bought. It is a FANTASTIC magazine, first off it is chalked full of coupons and second it has super saver tips, etc. I spent most of the evening curled up flipping through this fab find. If you get a chance to pick one up it is worth it!! I just wanted to share this lil secret with my blogger friends!!
Happy Savings!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Denika and Her Prize!!

So here is Denika with her winnings....she seems to like them!! She received an expandable file folder, notepad and calculator. Thank you everybody who participated and I appreciate all my followers!!
Coming Soon.....a Coupon Swap!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I have a Blogging Addiction....

OK I can't help myself I have now started a craft blog. It is a sick sick addiction...LOL. I just wanted to share some of my creations Not that I am an expert crafter I just love doing it. So Check it out if you want or not Follow if you want or not. Just wanted to let my loyal "fans" know!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


All my Great Followers in one lil cup!!
Carefully he picks a name......

He is checking to see who it is.....


Ok So today is the day that I announce who the winner is, but first I want to say Thank You for participating I appreciate you all. So I put all the commenter's names into a cup and let my son pick this morning and the winner was......DENIKA!!!!! Yeah you are the first winner of the first follower appreciation giveaway!! I will be emailing you to let you know and I believe I already have your address for your SUPER SURPISE!!
 Thanks everybody for participating!!